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Best Email Marketing Services in India

The name itself denotes a new marketing tactic that communicates and engages the audience through email. However, a business’s message, promotional content, and other information reach a broader audience quickly and easily.

Email marketing services that bring multi-faceted benefits. It delivers targeted messages at a very low cost all across the globe. It’s easy to get started and is the biggest driver of continuous revenue. Reach a global audience of your choice with our customized email marketing services.

We have the capability of taking your business to the pinnacle through email marketing.

Benefits Of Email Marketing Consulting Services

Email Marketing Services

The industry estimates show that it increases sales by 50 percent.

Email marketing is simple and easy to use.

It increases users' interest in your business. Unlike other advertising modes, the user gets enough time to read and re-read the email based on their preference.

Email marketing is highly customizable based on budget, preference, locations, user preference, and other parameters.

It works 24 x 7 and tracking of all the sent emails with proper reporting is possible.

Easy to integrate with your website or application for automatic email sending.

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Why Choose Our Email Marketing Service?

Email is more than putting words together. Good email writing requires professional knowledge and long years of experience. Our writers know; how to target the potential customers with the best in palace call-to-action strategies. Whether you wish to introduce your new products/services or looking to attract visitors to your website, we can be your trusted email marketing services provider.

Our email marketing experts' team develops competitive and unique email marketing strategies that help fulfill your business objectives. Bulk email marketing receive better engagement by millions of users in a fast way. We create the email campaign by considering the various parameters such as locations, age, personal interest, and more.

Who will love reading boring emails full of texts and outdated designs? Noone, and we understand that. In this fast-paced life, no one has enough time to read an email unless it has a hook. We know how to keep the readers engaged. Our creative professionals create mesmerizing Email templates customized for your business.

What if you do not have any monitoring email marketing tools to know the success and failure of email marketing services? You will feel lost despite paying the email marketing service provider. With us, you get 24 x 7 access to a dashboard detailing the performance of email campaigns. The tracking and reporting process gives insights into trends, subscriptions, hard bounces, soft bounces, usages, clicks statistics, page open data, and more.

We have been in email marketing services for a long time and understand the affordability factor for availing of any services. That is why we have email marketing plans for any budget. Whether you are a multinational or a small business, we have got you covered. We go ahead and offer a customized plan so that you can avail the full potential of emails marketing without any budget constraint. Get in touch with our team to know how we can help you realize your business dream through direct email marketing.

We remain available 24 x 7 for support through phone, email, chat and call. The professional, dedicated, and passionate team gets satisfaction by hearing your issues and providing solutions. The team provides instant support in set up, integration, reporting, and sending high-speed emails to the end number of recipients.

Marketing has turned personalized now!

Meet your customer directly through email marketing

Powerful Email Marketing Tools To Get Superior Results

When it comes to the best weapon on digital routes that derive instant results, build relationships and boost engagement with existing customers, email marketing tops the list. No wonder! If you want to thrive in the digital industry and build an island in this digital ocean where many big players are putting extreme efforts to make more, think about email marketing and RMProsolution. With an industry-leading team of email marketers and innovative email marketing tools, our email marketing agency delivers predictable outcomes through bulk email marketing services. Nationwide, businesses are enjoying superior outcomes driven by email marketing. Over 80% of the industry's experts have accepted that they actively use email marketing platforms to target and retarget their customers. From the point of view of cost-effectiveness, according to Hub post, "even a single email can generate $42 for every $1 spent" to simply put, email marketing carries the vast potential to help you generate 4,200% ROI in no time. If you foresee such massive results, connect with us as we are geared up with a comprehensive email marketing solution to leave no stone unturned!

Free Email Marketing Like a WOW!

Hurray! Now RMProsolution's lucky clients will access free email marketing services. If you also want to become a winner, come along and grab the proposal. Email marketing is witnessing exponential demand in the industry. It's easy to connect with prospective clients and customers through this unique and powerful marketing channel. And the best thing is, once you have collected a list of genuine and authentic emails representing your clients and customers, you can approach them and market your products for free. Initially, it may take a bit of investment to get more of your expectations from email marketing. Still, later on, it is much affordable and more effective than any other marketing. Globally 87% of B2B marketers believe that email marketing has been their favorite free organic distribution channel. To simply put, email marketing allows them to spread awareness of their products and services for free since they already have an extensive list of emails of potential customers.

Wondering! What does It take For The Best Email Marketing?

Let's provide you with a quick glimpse of how email marketing company generates more leads. According to Hub post, email marketing achieved its first success in 1978 by helping a company achieve $13 million in sales in no time. Surprisingly, the digital industry has gone through multiple evolutions so far, but email marketing is still the winner. However, marketers have brought many tools and strategies into execution to multiply the benefits of email marketing. In short, Emails can never die, as it is one of the safest and convenient ways to interact with clients, customers, and colleagues. Coming to the overall process of email marketing, it goes like this –
1. Marketers define the audience and create an email marketing strategy accordingly.
2. A goal is visualized to ensure whether lead generation or direct sales are required.
3. But before, marketers build a structure or a gateway by which customers could give their email addresses.
4. Selecting a friendly and interactive email template is equally important.
5. Writing work is also done (spammy words or links are avoided).
6. Marketers then schedule emails and start sending them to customers.
7. Results measurement is don. e

Yes. Email Marketing Isn’t of One Kind!

Not every email marketing platforms are necessary to derive the expected results. Your choice of email and the template can decide how superior the ultimate results will be from an email marketing campaign.
The point is worth considering because the process, later on, is repeated and cast on automation. Coming to the types of emails, these are as follows -
a) Welcome emails
b) Promotional sales emails
c) Transactional emails
d) Blog updates
e) Invitations and reminders
f) Upselling emails etc.

Welcome emails and promotional sales emails are considered 4x effective. Hence they are the most commonly used types of emails in email marketing. However, other emails types are less popular, yet they can get you 10x more results if you have the best structure build and a solid email list of prospective customers available. Still confused about what will work the best for you! Don't worry; contact our email marketing agency that helps you identify the best types of email marketing for your business objectives.

Running Successful Email Marketing Campaigns for Decades

Don’t let yourself be discouraged by several failures. It takes the right time, strategy, and companion like RMProsolution to reserve a top place in the industry you wish to grow. The best email marketing campaign can get you the desired outcomes you are ambitious for. Globally, there are 4 billion active email users. And according to Statista, the number is expected to jump to 4.6 billion by 2025. It builds a key reason why nearly every B2B company sends at least one mail to clients every 25 days. Because the industry carries the vast potential to get companies what they expect from their business objective, unfortunately, not every email marketing service provider is essential to achieve the desired outcomes. If you expect solid email marketing results, contact RMProsolution. We are the world leader in email marketing and have satisfied thousands of clients globally with our art and creativity in this specific niche.

What Exactly is Email Marketing?

After discovering so many good things about the email market, the question that might still have tick your mind is “What is Email Marketing?” so let us give you a simple answer.
In a nutshell, email marketing acts like a mode of interaction between a brand and unknown customers. The only thing which is known to the brand is the customer’s email (collected formerly via different networks).
But unlike standard email message sending to a single person, email marketing doesn’t target a single person but a group of people interested in a specific niche, product or service.
Using special tools, a single email can be sent to customers and people worldwide. There’s no barrier of communication, no time limitations and no hassles related to the competition.
The message is sent directly to people’s inboxes which they can read, store and take action upon. So this is how you can understand and remember email marketing in simple words.

Driving game-changing results for small businesses

If you run a small business or have recently launched a small online shopping store, then the fact might astound you. According to campaign monitor, around 64% of small businesses worldwide are currently using email marketing to reach their prospective customers. Still, many are overlooking the power of Email Marketing for Small businesses. Email marketing is worth considering for small shops, brands and businesses because it’s hard to derive traffic and attract customers organically initially. But email marketing can give a significant jump in the traffic and overall profitability of a small business right from the beginning of email marketing campaigns. Nevertheless, it’s worth choosing an ideal email marketing firm or a trusted name backed with tools and technology. And RMProsolution prides itself in being one of the industry’s top-rated email marketing services providers. Email marketing can bring a 760% increase in your existing revenue stream, and RMProsolution masters the art of how to make it happen in no time.

Driving Superior Growth Through Email Marketing Optimization

RMProsolution’s email marketing services are a formulation of technical, creativity and behavioural understanding. We monitor the market each day for our clients and keep pace with the evolving trend to ensure no customer is left untouched from the email’s reach.
Such as, according to email marketing experts, 81% of internet users check emails on their smartphones, and 74% on desktop/laptop collectively. But maximum responses and clicks come from the phones. But surprisingly, nearly 1 in every 5 email campaigns is still not optimized for mobile users.
It encourages RMProsolution to be hooked on Email Marketing Optimization that no other firm considers.
This step is essential because if the email isn’t optimized for mobile devices, 42% of users are likely to delete the message without paying any attention to the offers and messages attached.
The message should pop up within 3 seconds. But when it takes too long, 70% of viewers are more likely to skip it, leaving no benefit to the marketer but only hefty marketing expenses, which isn’t worth it.
Since RMProsolution focuses on providing comprehensive email marketing solutions to the customers, 100% predictable results are possible here.

Confused if Email Marketing is a Great Alternative??

If you are unclear whether email marketing is good for you or not, take a look at a few examples we have rounded up for you in the list below.

Email Marketing for Traffic Generation: If you have a website that isn’t getting much traffic as expected, email marketing can prove to be a highly effective approach to generating traffic.

Email Marketing for Awareness : If you launch new products/services daily/weekly/or monthly, and want to make people aware each time the excellent offer arrives, help from email marketing is worth it.

Email Marketing for Lead Nurturing : A conversion-focused content distributed via email marketing can help you identify the potential leads with higher purchase intent.

Email Marketing for Revenue Generation : You can target and re-target customers through generated leads via email campaigns which may boost revenue in your business.

We hope that all these Email marketing examples have provided you with detailed insight into how you can make a wise selection by selecting email marketing company.

Email Marketing Services

It could be just a thing your brand need. Feel free to connect with us.


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